Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Bit of News Before I Go

So we're about to check out of the Granddaddy. We've shopped the markets one last time. The Airstream was as delightful as I knew it would be. There was even a guy playing guitar outside last night. He was very Andrew-Bird like. Perfection.

I can't believe today has finally come. The past 5 weeks have flown by. Last night as I was reminiscing about all I've done, I could acknowledge that the winery trip seemed like a lifetime ago...and that even Kruger seemed to be a distant memory. Every day is so new and so full of opportunity and options and that's what I'm taking with me.

Which brings me to this tidbit: when I get back to the states, I'll be unemployed. Like completely. Before I left I had joked about taking the summer off. Doing whatever I wanted, when I wanted. It sounded slightly irresponsible and uber delightful. After being here, I confirmed I wasn't doing things that made me happy anymore. I figured (correctly) that Eyeboogie would make other arrangements, and made the choice to not return to Let's Make a a Deal either.

We'll see what I come up with, but I'm not nervous. I'm excited to figure out what I want to be doing and where I want to be doing it. It sucks I won't be eligible for unemployment, but I've got some savings and I'm not above temp work or a Starbucks gig if that's what it takes.

I'm super stoked to have a summer of beaches and popsicles and bike rides and sewing and reading and writing and sightseeing and whatever else I decide I want to do. Not many other 33 year olds get a summer of freedom.

As far as going home. I'm excited to see my peeps. And for sushi. And pad thai. And my bed. And remembering what driving around is like. And what I hope is several episodes of 16 & Pregnant waiting on my dvr. :)

Thanks for reading. Picture posts to come.

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